Some of my thoughts on Chrsitian nationalism and the panic gripping the American conservative evangelical community.
Hey, I haven't been on here in a while, but today I want to address an important topic: the controversy with Ivy League swimmer, and now NCAA champion, Lia Thomas and what has been happening with trans athletics.
Matrix Resurrections opened in my area last night, and I was fortunate enough to be able to see it at the theater. In this video, I give my thoughts on the film. There are spoilers, so if you plan to see the movie, you may want to wait to watch this video.
I spent far too many years of my life being taught and believing that climate change isn't real. My beliefs have changed, and so has my understanding of what the Bible says about it. I hope you enjoy this video, and that you'll contribute some thoughtful comments.
It's Magenta Monday! I spent almost 40 years of my life not really being able to wear colors like this because it was "girly". I look back on all of the blue, black, gray, and dark shades of green and other colors I had to wear and think how asinine gendered colors are. My journey has been about much more than clothing and colors, but the absurdity of making certain colors or shades only for one gender or the other is almost unbelievable.
I tried running for the first time in many months tonight after work. My pace was slow and it felt hard for how slow I was going, but I ran the whole 3 miles without stopping or walking! It took me 38 minutes 33 seconds. My goal is to participate in a duathlon in October. I am more than ready for the 10 mile bike ride, but want to be sure I can handle the 5 kilometer run.